Wall panels are a relatively new material for interior wall finishing, but in a short time it has managed to win a leading position in the field of premium design. Every year new variants of panels appear, which become even more original, environmentally friendly and durable.
The variety of patterns, textures, installation methods is amazing - by choosing a panel, you can choose an exclusive design for almost any room, regardless of its purpose and style. So if you're bored with wallpaper or classic tiles, the wall panel will be a great alternative. Workshop "Russian Craft" will help you learn more about the panels themselves, and the peculiarities of their choice.
Decorative wall panels: what are they and how do they differ?
Facing the walls with panels allows you to create an absolutely unique and exclusive interior in your home or country cottage. And this despite the fact that the installation is much faster and easier than the choice of any other finishing materials, because there is no need to level irregularities and correct defects - the panel will help to cover any shortcomings without any damage to the strength and stability of the coating. But before proceeding to the installation work, it is worth defining the choice of wall panels. To do this, several parameters are taken into account:
Shape. Panels are divided into 3 large categories: lath, sheet and tile. Slatted wall panels are suitable for almost any room, especially a small area. Sheet panels are large in size, but this simplifies installation in a large area - in some cases you can even do without purlins. Finally, panels in the form of tiles help to give the walls volume and create a completely unique, well thought-out design.
Material. For the production of elite panels natural materials are used, first and foremost hardwood. Solid wood wall panels are products of premium class, distinguished by their unique texture and a wide range of natural colors, excellent durability, moisture, noise and heat insulation properties. The room, which is decorated with wooden panels, looks especially attractive, comfortable and respectable. As an alternative to wood, MDF can be used - a solid, durable and ecological material made of pressed wood chips.
Surface type. Relief wall panels for interior wall finishing are in particular demand when creating original design solutions. The unique pattern created from wood, glass, veneer, stone, metal and even natural leather gives the room refinement, helping to embody in the design the most daring ideas. Lovers of classics can enjoy polished, perfectly smooth surfaces, which clearly shows the intricate patterns of solid wood.
Design. Wood is a very flexible material, so you can use it to create an interior in any style: timeless and luxurious classic, minimalistic and thought-out modern style, lush and astonishing working out the details of art deco, strict loft - are just a few examples. Finally, the options for exterior decoration are even more impressive: brushing, aging, finishing with oil, lacquer and enamel from the best European manufacturers, patina, glaze, polishing can create any finish and detailing degree of complexity.
Russian Crafts" offers exclusive wall panels, created to order from carefully selected natural materials. A professional designer can be involved into the process of creating the interior design: the specialist will tell you about the advantages of each material, suggest exterior finishing options, taking into account your ideas about the ideal design and, in general, help to speed up the preparatory stage.
How is the production of wall panels organized?
The production of wall panels is a multi-step process. To achieve exceptional quality, "Russian Craft" workshop pays close attention to the choice of raw materials: only precious species of wood are used in the production to create wall panels for interior decoration of premium class.
Each stage of wall panels production implies active implementation of modern technologies, which allow
maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels for proper storage of materials;
Automate the process of cutting the material to achieve perfect accuracy of work, including the creation of decorative carvings;
to treat wood with modern compositions for protection against moisture, humidity, temperature fluctuations and other negative factors;
achieve an even distribution of paint due to the painting works in a special closed chamber with a water curtain.
Wall panels for the bedroom, living room, kitchen or children's room should be not only attractive, but also safe.
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